August 19-20th: Functional Movement Screen Seminar
August 22nd-24th: Few days observation at Cressey Performance
August 26th-28th: Perform Better Functional Training Summit
September 5th-7th: Few days observation at Mike Boyle's Strength and Conditioning
September 9th-11th: Biosignature CE: Lab Analysis
September 16th-18th: Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Seminar
September 30th-Oct 2nd: PICP Level 2 practical assessment
There are some blank spots in between events, so I will either take the time to be a tourist and wander around or will fill it with some new work experience that may come my way.
I love the job I do and wouldn't change it for anything. As I'm only young in the training world, I knew it would come to a point where I would have to take some time off working and concentrate on learning in order to really kick-start my career.
I will use this blog as a record of what I learn. It will be mostly training related, however, I can imagine from time to time, I will go a little off-topic and just write about something on my mind.
Anyway, tomorrow is day 1 of a mentorship with Nick Tumminello, so I will be back at the end of the day with a full report.