Sunday, July 31, 2011


As the section on the right of the pages says, I'm on a trip of self-development in the USA. I have spent some time planning my visit and intend to cram in as much as possible. Currently in Baltimore, MD, my first appointment is with Nick Tumminello at Performance University. From there, I will be doing the following:

August 19-20th: Functional Movement Screen Seminar
August 22nd-24th: Few days observation at Cressey Performance
August 26th-28th: Perform Better Functional Training Summit
September 5th-7th: Few days observation at Mike Boyle's Strength and Conditioning
September 9th-11th: Biosignature CE: Lab Analysis
September 16th-18th: Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Seminar
September 30th-Oct 2nd: PICP Level 2 practical assessment

There are some blank spots in between events, so I will either take the time to be a tourist and wander around or will fill it with some new work experience that may come my way.

I love the job I do and wouldn't change it for anything. As I'm only young in the training world, I knew it would come to a point where I would have to take some time off working and concentrate on learning in order to really kick-start my career.

It's said that 'the more you learn, the more you earn' and that the ones who are truly successful in this field take the time to continue learning throughout their entire career. In a job where everyone has a different opinion and uses different methods, you have to take the time to listen to what people have to say and not just stick with what you know. I have come to the USA fully expecting to question everything I ever thought I knew about my work and am ready to have my thoughts and opinions changed. I can say this safely because the people who I will be learning from have been in this industry much longer than I have and have ton more experience. I am a tiny fish in a huge bowl and I am ready to grow!

I will use this blog as a record of what I learn. It will be mostly training related, however, I can imagine from time to time, I will go a little off-topic and just write about something on my mind.

Anyway, tomorrow is day 1 of a mentorship with Nick Tumminello, so I will be back at the end of the day with a full report.

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